Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Hanover Selye (1956,1976) defined stress as a nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it. He referred to thsee stress inducing demands as stressors. 

Stress is any disturbance  in your normal balanced state, while stressor is a stimulus that you perceive as a challenge or threat that disturbs your equilibrium by initiating a physical, mental or emotional response.

Sources of stressors are infinite and can occur throughout the Life Span. However, not everyone will experience these stressors that occur. So how can you tell what's stressing you and how do you cope??

Coping strategies are actually those thinking processes and behaviours a person uses to manage stressors.
Some examples include :

  • Day dreaming 
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Sleeping
  • Consulting others for support or advice
  • Problem solving 
It's important to note that Coping strategies can be Adaptive or Maladaptive. Adaptive (Effective) coping consists of making health chioce to reduce negative effects of stress  e.g exercising to relieve tension.
Sometimes the difference between effective and in effective coping is in the degree to which a technique is used.

Maladaptive  (ineffective) coping doesn't promote adaptation. Unhealthy coping choices include overeating, overworking yourself, substance abuse. Although maladaptive behavior may temporarily relieve anxiety, it may have other harmful effects.

For instance, if you smoke to relieve the tension of a stressful work situation, you may experience an immediate decrease in anxiety. However, you're doing nothing to change or adapt  to the stressful situation and, over time, you're  at increased risk for respiratory disease and mental health disorders.

Have an equilibrium state of Mind @ your work place.
#LiveOn #LiveRight #WorldMentalHealthDay2017

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